Friday, June 18, 2010

Feeling the Groove

Thursday, June 17, 2010

As the world would have it, this evening we went out for a few beers... AND DANCING. This honestly brought me into my true self. I danced for well over an hour. The entire group circled around a glowing bulb on the lawn and broke it down to a DJ playing hip-hop and reggae. Our waitress came to me and said, "I want to dance with you, but I do not like this song." I promptly responded, "You tell the DJ what song you want and we will dance." She asked, "What song would you like?" I told her, "Anything fast." It was lovely. We danced to "Mamacita."

I also told the bartender about seasons... which is hard to describe to someone who lives in a country with the equator running through it.

I told Catherine how I was feeling about my position within the social climate of the group and she comforted me. She told me I was doing very well and to allow this place to be a place where I can be myself. She is splendid.

Over the past few days, we have received a talk from Jolly and Patrick, a Luo language lesson, a talk about a day in the life of a Ugandan teacher, a very detailed description of IC on the ground in Gulu, and a very enlightening talk about teaching during the conflict.

I learned that the Bill passed by congress that was originated by IC is not completely accepted by Ugandans. Some support it, some continue to feel an attachment to their abducted children that may still be alive with the LRA.

I also had quite the misadventure on a boda today. I was withing (I now know) a block from the office and thought I was lost. I asked a boda to take me to IC or Petche Stadium. He drove me a few miles (beautiful country side) and then ha to take me back to the market for a different boda. It cost me 2,000 shillings to get home (which is less than $1)... but it usually takes only 500 shillings. Ridiculous.

Oh, and tonight, the bar owner's dog followed some of us all the way home. We may have been the only people to pet him in a long time. (Dogs are only used for hunting and guarding here in Gulu.)

Overall, I am becoming acclimated and oriented here. Week 1 of a 19 (soon to be 33) person household will always be a time of listening for me. That is how I learn.

Must get some rest. Good times lay ahead.

With a booty wiggle,


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