Friday, June 29, 2012

What a Week!

As of today, it's been one full week of Ruby, Alaska.

Here are the Ups:

1. Can't hear a car engine for miles and miles
2. Ridin' down the Yukon and Molozi with Scottie and catchin' a pike (that was just a hair shy of keep-ability)
3. Bear huntin', which is really more about beer drinkin' (and all the beautiful sights that come along with the huntin' and fishin')
4. Watchin' the animals and plants all grow and helpin' 'em do it in the process
5. Kneadin' dough, makin' bread and biscuits
6. Eating all of the delicious food Evelyn makes (salmon fish spread, salads, organic chicken noodle soup, oatmeal, eggs and pancakes, and spaghettie with bison meat sauce)
7. Readin' lots of books
8. 24 hours of sunlight
9. Gettin' hugs from Trinity

Here are the Downs:

1. Never can get rid of those damn kids (Karen, look! Karen, look! Karen, look!)
2. Bad attitudes from Ed in the morning
3. No running water (I just really like to wash my hands, man.)
4. The overall laziness of the town (I like to do stuff)
5. Those stinkin' mosquitoes, man
6. Chicken wranglin'
7. The fact that this is Not My Farm... I'm so gettin' one, though... just wait
8. Uncertainty about what needs to be done and how to do it
9. Missing friends and family
10. No snack food, yo

Overall, the ups outweigh the downs. I'm diggin' the life of the farm. I could do this for, I don't know, a long time... as long as it was mine.

1 comment:

  1. What I liked about Alaska is that everything I did, every success and every failure, was mine. By carving a life for myself, I found myself. Also I dig weather, no roads, boardwalks, and walking in country that is not a state park/national forest. The mosquitoes in the Interior are horrendous. I love the haphazard state of the farm. The wilderness comes up to the front door, or maybe outside the bone-yard and outhouse. Otherwise, nature rules, when I moved here I kept asking if the giant yards were golf courses.
    Your garden was alive two 100+ days ago...will check again. Don't worry about people's attitude. After all, you are a Cheechako so expect some flak. It's a great place to be in love. You guys will never be the same :).
    Carry on!
