Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Interior

Arrived in Ruby yesterday after a luxurious sleep at the Fairbanks Airport.

The plane I took in was a six-seater and the views were some of the best I've ever witnessed. I have never seen so much unabated wilderness in my entire life. There were lush pine forests with meandering rivers and ponds here and there.

I got into Ruby at about 9:30 AM. As I was riding from the landing strip, after being asked if I was the new teacher. (Word travels fast and somewhat inaccurately here in a town of 160 people.) A gentlemen asked me, after I killed a mosquito in the cab of the truck, "Well, are you keeping count?" and I responded, "Well, that was one."

The mosquitoes aren't the most friendly folks here, but the family sure is.

I was welcomed by Kyle wander out of Ed's place. I met Ed right away, and then he headed to work. Ed's two grandchildren (Zeke and Trinity) are staying with them. Man, is Trinity a hoot. She latched onto me immediately and now asks for hugs every ten minutes, repeatedly tells me, "You're nice," and she wishes I would stay forever.

Well, Kyle showed me around the farm, showed me how to take care of the ducks, chickens, and the goats. He and I caught up on things and such. Man am I sure glad to be spending a summer with that fine gentleman; I didn't think we'd get around to that one for another year or two.

Well, after a few meals, Kyle and I ran into the infamous Scotty - the special education teacher here in Ruby that also loves to fish all day, drink a few brewskis, and share some good company. As Kyle and I were touring the town, I said, "Man, I sure hope I meet Scotty sometime soon." Fate slapped us in the face as Scotty came ridin' down the road with a grin on his face. He'd had about 15 beers out in his boat since 7:00 AM (it was 7:00 PM), had caught around 14 shefish and 1 pike (all were well over three feet long!).

Scotty took us out on his boat a bit later to a rocky beach out on Molozi River (right off the Yukon). The views were outstanding. I cannot explain how absolutely breathtaking the mountains and the wilderness are out here. Once you mosey just a mile from Ruby, it's sheer wilderness. We had a few beers, skipped a few rocks, and then I was pooped, pooped, pooped. After traveling for over twelve hours and then meeting so many new people and seeing so many different things, I was exhausted.

Today, Kyle and I greeted Evelyn, Ed's wife, and she and I hit it off right away. We talked in the kitchen as we made flat bread together (her recipe is stellar!). I got all unpacked and did a few chores around the farm.

Kyle and the men put up the tepee today. I don't have a finished picture, but I'll get one up as soon as possible. I watched and helped a bit, but mostly the men took care of it. This is where Kyle and I will be spending a lot of our evenings.

Well, that's all for now up here in the great blue yonder. I'll be postin' more in the coming week. 


  1. Yes, I know. It's so hard to explain. Nature is in charge, the world is different. You could see how it changes one.

  2. I love that you'll be spending your evenings in a tepee ;)
