Monday, May 31, 2010

Uganda on the Horizon

7 Days.

At present, seven days rest between myself and an eastbound train to NYC. Once there, I will spend a few days with my aunt and uncle before I meet the group of marvelous, lovely individuals who will be joining me in what is most certainly to be (and this is my only expectation thus far) a life-changing experience in this little ol' life of mine.

With this knowledge, I have been entirely captivated in my thoughts about traveling to a new way of life far from my family, my friends... my only known way of life.

I have promised my best friend (Spoofy) that I will not be eaten by a hippopotamus while outside of the United States. I'm still counting on keeping that one.

With the recent announcement of the atrocities near Palestine, I have been contemplating what exactly is the best way in which I can make a better world. A very close friend of mine (Joshua) contemplated being a part of this humanitarian effort. The only answer I continually come to in my mind as the best way I can use my talents and passions in this world to render it as a better place is education.

"No one is born fully-formed: it is through self-experience in the world that we become what we are." - Paulo Freire

I want to educate others to use their own skills, talents, and ideas in the creation of a better world. The other answer that often ruminates within my mind is centered upon self-reliance / community-reliance. I feel that I must work toward food independence, energy use reduction, and mental contentedness for myself and the community I come to call my own so I may reduce my own consumption of the limited resources in this world. Greed is the most destructive mechanism in the world I live in.

Less philosophically --

I've been packing all day; I've been making time for friends and family for the past few weeks. I've gotten so much vitamin D my mind cannot help but be pacified. I've really realized the joy and love I have for my family and friends as I contemplate my destination for the next few months.

So, that's where I am. I'm looking forward to my near future. I'm sure the gems of wisdom will be pouring forth in the weeks to come.

Stay posted for inspiration.

In peace and good humor,


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